The Foundation is committed to protecting the marine environment with impactful education and research

While we know that there are many worthwhile opportunities, we prioritise the following research areas:

Marine Conservation, Ecology & Related Biological Sciences

Every investment fuels research and action to safeguard our oceans, preserve biodiversity, and sustainably manage marine ecosystems for future generations.

Marine Research & Projects →

Blue Carbon

We’re investing in the transformative potential of Blue Carbon ecosystems—mangroves, seagrasses, and salt marshes—as nature-based solutions for climate change.

Carbon Credits & Blue Carbon project →

Marine Genetics

As greater investment is needed in this field, Marine Genetics is one of the key research areas of The Foundation. Our future investments aim to harness the potential of Marine Genetics for innovative solutions in medicine, conservation, and sustainable resource management.


In addition to our funding priorities, The Foundation is also committed to supporting stronger community engagement with marine science, as we believe that everyone has a role to play in protecting our oceans.

WA World Ocean Day

In addition to our marine conservation work, our Foundation also proudly founded and presents Western Australia’s World Ocean Day, an annual event dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for Western Australia’s extraordinary marine environment.

WA World Ocean Day features a dynamic program of informative and engaging talks led by renowned marine experts diving into critical ocean issues and exploring innovative solutions for a healthier ocean.

The event caters to a wide audience and allows attendees to make informed choices and become champions for ocean conservation.

WA World Ocean Day is a testament to the collective responsibility we share for protecting our ocean’s health. Through collaboration, education, and action, we can ensure a thriving blue planet for generations to come.

Visit our WA World Ocean Day website for more information.