Marine Heatwave Research

2022 – ongoing

The Foundation instigated a research collaboration with Western Australian marine science-focused universities to enable scientific experts to work together on a major UN-endorsed research project to better forecast and respond to extreme marine heatwaves, as these devastating events are likely to become more frequent and severe in the future.


Fellow Supporters

  • UWA, Curtin, Edith Cowan and Murdoch Universities

  • Government of Western Australia (DPIRD; DBCA)

  • AIMS

  • BOM

  • IMOS

  • Cygnet Bay Pearls


The Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) manages the project, ‘Advancing predictions of Western Australian marine heatwaves and impacts on marine ecosystems’. The multi-disciplinary team of 26 researchers in marine ecology, oceanography, atmospheric science and data science will uncover new data as well as gather historical information.

Together, we are developing improved knowledge and practical tools to forecast extreme ocean temperatures and their impacts on Western Australia’s marine ecosystems.


Shark Bay (Gathaagudu) Research – Western Australia


'Protect Ningaloo' Campaign in Exmouth Gulf